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The Alaskan Scottish Club, a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization, proudly embodies the spirit of Scottish culture, joyously sharing it with our community. Our passion is brought to life through lively ceilidhs, vibrant events, engaging workshops, and convivial social gatherings, all unfolding across the breathtaking landscapes of Alaska throughout the year. Our mission is to share the spirit of Scotland, making every event a grand Scottish fling.


Saturday, June 28 and Sunday, June 29 2025

Alaskan Scottish Club Tartan


The Tartan seen here on our website is the official “Alaskan Scottish Club” Tartan. It was designed in 1991 by Alice Dillbeck for the Club. It was registered in 2013 with The Scottish Register of Tartans.

  • Rose
    Rose reflects a winter sunset on Denali’s lofty top, a summer offer of shooting stars, and wild rose hips.

  • Green
    Green suggests magnificent forests, short stalk sedge, lingonberry, and saxifrage.

  • Gold
    Gold recalls the great North Star, the miners’ golden dream, tamarack, birch, and aspen mirrored in a stream.

  • White
    The ice, the snow, the lights of the Auroras.

  • Blue
    Blue is for the sky, forget-me-nots, the open sea, the deep cold azure of lakes, the glaciers’ mysterious hue, and for the Scottish origins of many Alaskans.

The Alaskan Scottish Club

P.O. Box 244416
Anchorage, AK 99524-4416


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